Greener Homes Loan Walkthrough

Before you can continue with the Greener Homes loan process, you must first have a Home Energy Assessment conducted on your home. That’s where we come in!

Click here to learn all about Home Energy Assessments and rebates from Efficiency Nova Scotia.

To book your Home Energy Assessment, please call us at 1-877-722-2842 or email us at

Before you begin:
If you have already applied for the Greener Homes Grant and have received all or part of your grant, you must contact Sustainable Housing to book a new Home Energy Assessment to be eligible for the Greener Homes Loan. 
Once you complete your new Home Energy Assessment, and the file is submitted to the Greener Homes Portal, you may continue with the loan application by signing into the Greener Homes Portal and jumping to step 3. below.

Greener Homes Loan application creation Walkthrough:

  1. You can begin your loan application journey at where your first step is to create an account. Click on Register under Option 2: Sign-Up.
  2.  After creating your account, you can now sign in to the loan portal and begin your application.
  3.  Once you are signed in, click New Application and agree to the terms and conditions. You will also receive a copy of the terms and conditions to your email.
  4. Eligibility:
    The next page asks you to confirm your eligibility for the Greener Homes Loan. Select your applicant type, enter your Renovation Upgrade Report File Number, and attest that you meet all requirements by clicking the checkbox below the conditions. Click Continue.
    NOTE: For the application to successfully create, 
    – The evaluation must be dated after April 1st, 2020.
    – Your Energy Advisor has uploaded your evaluation data to the Greener Homes Portal. This is indicated when the file number is in the “submitted” status.
  5. Applicant Details:
    The next page will display some of your contact information and ask you to confirm your date of birth. You will also add any co-borrowers at this stage. Click
  6. Property:
    This page will ask you to provide more property details seen in the screenshot below.

  7. Retrofit Selection:
    The next page will ask you to provide details on your planned retrofits such as the type of retrofit, the contractor, the quoted cost, and the quoted deposit.
    – Only retrofits that have been recommended by your Energy Advisor will appear in the dropdown list. If you do not see the correct retrofits in the lists, please reach out to an administrator using the contact information at the bottom of the loan application page.
    – If there is an update to your file, click the Reload button to import the newly added retrofit options.
    – The maximum amount of the initial Loan Advance (quoted deposit) is 15% of the eligible costs.
  8. Income:
    On this page, input your income information. Only input your own income. Co-borrower income information is required separately. Click Continue.
  9. Assets & Liabilities:
    This page will ask you for your assets and liabilities. The property associated with the application is automatically selected as an asset. Click Continue.
  10. Required Documents:
    The next page will ask you to upload all remaining required documents such as property tax documents, confirmation of primary residence, confirmation of income, and any other contractor quotes. Click Continue.
  11. Submit Loan Application:
    This final stage will display an overview of your loan application. Please confirm all details are accurate. If you notice any issues with the information, do not submit your application and reach out to the support lines listed at the bottom of the application page.
    – You may begin work on your retrofits at this stage however, keep in mind that LOAN APPROVAL IS NOT GUARANTEED at this point. If the loan is not approved, any work already undertaken is the homeowner’s responsibility.
    – If an eligible first advance were approved, it would be displayed on this overview page.
  12. Now that your application is submitted, it is pending approval from Greener Homes and you will receive an email when there is an update to your file.
  1. Once your loan application is approved, you can continue the application by reviewing the loan offer and proceeding by signing it electronically.
  2. To access the loan portal again, sign back in here: Select Home at the top of the screen, and then click the Go to loan application button to access the loan portal.
  3. Once you are in the Application Overview page, you can click Proceed to Loan Offer to continue.
    NOTE: The loan offer is only valid for 30 days.
  4. Click Review and Sign the Loan Agreement to continue. All borrowers must electronically sign the loan agreement in order to continue.
  5. Back on the Application Overview page, you can now request funding from your loan total. Loan funds are transferred directly to the primary loan applicant. Click Request Funding to continue.
    NOTE: At this stage, you now have 12 months to complete your retrofits in your application, book your post retrofit evaluation, and request final funding of the loan.
  6. The next page will display your selected retrofits that were verified by your Energy Advisor. Please verify the information and upload your final invoices. Click Continue.
  7. On this page, verify your banking information is correct or add new banking information. Once done, click Submit Funding Request. Your Application Overview page should now display the “Funding Requested” status. Funds should be deposited within 10 days of funding request approval.